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US Courts have repeatedly ruled that personal blogs are Constitutionally-protected expressions of free speech.
This is a personal blog.
One part of the most recent FFLO Meeting on January 7, 2023, was actually interesting. It looked to me like an apparent FFLO I do not know did not like me using my Constitutionally-guaranteed Freedoms, and so offered this confusing commentary:
“I don’t know what this is all about.” “The hashtag there, (ed: #FTGFABOD was on my thumbnail) everything like the chat link (ed: I had politely asked a couple of questions in the Zoom chat link) – makes me fairly uncomfortable right now.” “But this is anti-community in my mind!” “It’s pretty sickenin’ to see this stuff right here. I don’t know, I don’t know the backstory about any of this.” “I don’t know what the Hell’s going on, but…;” “ I don’t know why there’s trademarks and all this stuff, I don’t know, I, I, I, …. (ed: apparently addressing simple steff >) we, we’ll have to talk about this -
#FTGFABOD = Fire The Goodnow Flow Association Board Of Directors. 🤦🏾♂️🤦🏾♂️🤦🏾♂️
This apparent FFLO correctly stated SIX TIMES that they do not know anything about the situation, but they are still perfectly happy to condemn me as being uncomfortable-making and sickening because of it. It would have been far better and infinitely more decent to have asked me.
The dinosaurs either ignored or said “no” to each of my dozens of overtures for cooperation.